Dishwashing Tips from Mississauga Maids

August 18, 2023

Dishwashing Tips from Mississauga Maids

Doing the dishes can be one of the most time-consuming chores in the kitchen. But it doesn’t have to be a daunting task if you know some professional tips and tricks. Our experienced Mississauga Maids have mastered the art of dishwashing and are delighted to share some of their most effective methods with you.

So let’s dive in! Here’s how you start:

1. Prep Your Sink Properly

Before you start washing the dishes, prepare your sink by cleaning it with hot soapy water. A clean sink ensures that you’re not washing your dishes in a dirty environment. Consider adding a drop of lemon juice to get rid of unpleasant odors.

2. Rinse Before You Wash

By rinsing off food particles before washing, you can prevent your sponge from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and make the actual washing process quicker and easier.

Rinse Before You Wash

3. Use the Right Amount of Soap

Finding the “right amount” of dish soap can be tricky as it often depends on the type and amount of dishes you’re washing. Here’s a general guideline provided by the experts at Mississauga Maids:

  • For a Full Sink of Dishes: A squirt or two (around one to two teaspoons) of liquid dish soap should suffice.
  • For Washing a Few Items: Just a drop or two will do the job.
  • For Stubborn Grease: You may want to add an extra drop of soap and let the item soak a bit before scrubbing.

For this, we recommend investing in high-quality dish soap for the best results. Here’s what to look for while searching for one:

  • Eco-Friendly Brands: Look for brands that use biodegradable ingredients and are cruelty-free.
  • Sensitive Skin Formulas: If you have sensitive skin, consider soaps free from harsh chemicals and fragrances.
  • Concentrated Formulas: Concentrated soaps are effective in small amounts, providing better value and reducing plastic waste.

Some well-regarded brands that meet these criteria include Dawn Ultra, Seventh Generation, and 9 Elements. These brands offer a variety of options that can suit different preferences and needs.

4. Wash in Order

Washing your dishes in the right order can make a significant difference in the ease and efficiency of the task. Start with glasses, followed by cutlery, plates, and finally pots and pans. This approach minimizes the transfer of grease and other food residues onto cleaner items.

5. Mind the Temperature

Hot water is more effective in cutting through grease and killing germs. Make sure your water is hot but comfortable to touch. If you’re dealing with a particularly greasy dish, let it soak in hot water with a little dish soap before scrubbing.

6. Don’t Ignore the Details

Handles, the bottom of cups, and other hard-to-reach areas can often be missed. Pay attention to these details to ensure a thorough clean.

7. Air Dry When Possible

Air drying is more hygienic and eco-friendly compared to towel drying. If you have a drying rack, make use of it, or just leave your dishes out to air dry on a clean towel.

8. Invest in Quality Tools

Good quality sponges, scrubbers, and brushes can make dishwashing easier and more effective. Consider using different tools for different tasks, such as a soft sponge for glasses and a stiffer brush for pots and pans.

9. Regularly Clean Your Sponge

Your sponge can become a breeding ground for bacteria if not cleaned regularly. Mississauga Maids recommends rinsing it thoroughly after each use and microwaving it damp for one to two minutes to kill germs.

10. Create a Routine

Consistency is key in maintaining a clean kitchen. Creating a routine that fits your schedule can make dishwashing less of a chore and more of a simple step in your daily routine.


Dishwashing doesn’t have to be a hassle. By incorporating these professional tips from Mississauga Maids, you can transform this daily chore into a quick and satisfying task. Remember, the right tools, techniques, and a touch of organization can go a long way in making your dishwashing experience more enjoyable and efficient.

At Maid in T.O, we offer more than just dishwashing tips; we provide a full range of cleaning services tailored to your needs. Whether it’s a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, our Mississauga Maids are here to make your home sparkle. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to book an appointment. Happy dishwashing!