How Do You Clean a House Full of Pet Hair

October 5, 2023

How Do You Clean a House Full of Pet Hair? Tips from Toronto Maids

For every pet lover in Toronto, dealing with pet hair seems like an ongoing battle. Fluffy companions shed, and while we adore them, their fur can be a constant challenge to clean. The big question remains: How do you effectively clean a house full of pet hair? 

In this article we’ll share a step-by-step guide to keep your home fur-free.

1. Get the Right Equipment

High-Quality Vacuum: A pet-specific vacuum cleaner is your best bet. These are designed with stronger suction and specialized brushes that trap more pet hair. Remember, regular maintenance ensures its efficiency; empty the canister and clean the filter frequently.

Microfiber Cloths: Thanks to their unique design, these cloths act like magnets for pet hair. When damp, they can pick up hair from almost any surface.

Rubber Brooms: Especially effective on hard floors, rubber brooms gather pet hair into easily collectable clumps.

2. Regular Brushing is a Game Changer

Toronto Maids always suggest starting at the source. Regular grooming reduces the amount of hair pets shed inside. A good routine ensures less hair on your furniture, clothes, and floors. It’s a win-win; your pets will enjoy the attention, and you’ll appreciate a cleaner home.

3. Upgrade Your Laundry Routine

Pre-wash cycle: Before tossing pet-laden clothes or bedding in the wash, run them through a quick tumble in the dryer. A 10-minute spin, without heat, helps loosen the hair.

White Vinegar: Add a small amount to your washing machine. This natural softener loosens hair and ensures a thorough cleanse.

Dryer Sheets: Not only do they leave your clothes smelling fresh, but dryer sheets also reduce static, which makes hair cling. They’ll help ensure pet hair doesn’t stick to your fabrics.

4. Furniture Covers are Key

Professional maids often encounter the most pet hair on sofas and chairs. Their top recommendation? Use washable furniture covers. They’re easier to clean and ensure that your furniture remains hair-free.

5. Tackle Those Hard-to-Reach Areas

Ceiling Fans: Hair doesn’t just settle on the ground; it floats and often lands on blades of ceiling fans. A simple pillowcase trick works wonders here. Slip an old pillowcase over the blade, then slowly pull back to trap the dust and hair inside.

Under Furniture: Hairballs love hiding under furniture. Regularly use a flat sweeper or your vacuum’s extension hose to reach these tricky spots.

Tackle Those Hard-to-Reach Areas

6. Humidity Helps

Toronto’s climate can be dry at times. Pet hair becomes statically charged and sticks to surfaces in drier conditions. By maintaining a good level of humidity in your home, you can prevent hair from sticking everywhere. If you find static a constant issue, consider investing in a humidifier.

7. The Balloon Trick

This one is for people who love physics! Inflate a balloon and then rub it over surfaces like carpets or clothing. You’ll notice that the static charge attracts pet hair, making it easier to collect and discard.

8. Regular House Cleaning

This might sound obvious, but consistency is crucial. Toronto Maids suggest a weekly cleaning schedule. The more frequent you clean, the less hair accumulates. Dust, sweep, and vacuum regularly to ensure pet hair doesn’t have the chance to settle.

9. Keep Your Pet’s Space Tidy

Pets often have favorite spots. Whether it’s a particular corner, bed, or rug, keeping that area clean means less hair spreading to other parts of the house. Wash pet bedding regularly and vacuum their favorite spaces often.

When To Get Professional Help

Sometimes, the best solution is to call in the experts. Our Toronto Maids specialize in deep cleaning homes, ensuring every nook and cranny is free from pet hair. With their expertise, even the most pet-hair-ridden home can feel brand new.

Some additional tips from Toronto Maids

Focus on the high-traffic areas: Pet hair tends to accumulate in the areas where your pets spend the most time, such as the living room, bedroom, and kitchen. Be sure to vacuum and lint roll these areas regularly.

Use a pet hair attachment on your vacuum cleaner: This attachment will help to remove more pet hair from your carpets and furniture.

Clean your air vents: Pet hair can easily accumulate in your air vents, so be sure to clean them regularly.

Use a steam cleaner: Steam cleaners can be used to remove pet hair from carpets, furniture, and other surfaces.

How to Clean Different Areas of Your Home for Pet Hair

Floors: Vacuum your floors regularly and use a mop to remove any remaining dirt and grime. If you have carpets, you may also want to use a pet hair remover.

Furniture: Vacuum your furniture regularly and use a lint roller to remove any loose hair. If you have upholstered furniture, you may also want to use a steam cleaner.

Bedding: Wash your bedding regularly in hot water. You may also want to use a dryer sheet to help reduce static cling.


Dealing with pet hair might seem like a never-ending task, but with the right techniques and equipment, it becomes manageable. From investing in specialized cleaning tools to adopting regular grooming routines for our pets, there are effective ways to reduce the furry footprint in our homes.

At MaidInT.O, we understand the intricacies of managing pet hair. Our professional team, trained in deep-cleaning techniques, ensures every corner of your home is clean. So when pet hair becomes overwhelming, you can rely on our expertise for best results. Contact us today for a free quote!